JdQ Times
Jiménez Times 2019
IES Jiménez de Quesada líder en viajes y actividades culturales
Last April a group of the bilingual students of 4º -B together with a few more students from the other groups of 4ºESO , took part in a linguistic immersion trip to Worthing in Brighton on the south coast of England; it was a great experience and they really enjoyed it : They could practise the language as well as have a close approach to the culture of the country. They were accompanied by two of our teachers , Pablo Mármol and Enrique Molina , thank you to them for their cooperation. This is the second year that our students participate in an linguistic trip and hope that we can repeat this wonderful experience in the following years.We include here the comments of one of the students about her experience in England so it can encourage other students in the future to participate in this type of trips that are really educational
By: Rafa Isla Casares David Soto Jiménez Onofre Hernández Martin
In 1946 Rosenblum returned to Europe as staff photographer for the American Unitarian Service Committee (USC) of the American Unitarian Association to document its refugee relief work in Czechoslovakia and France. The photographs exhibited here were shot in Toulouse in the camps and facilities for refugees of the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), which had ended seven years earlier with the victory of Francisco Franco over the democratically elected government of the Republic. In late 1938 and early 1939, some 500,000 Spanish Republican refugees had crossed the border into France, where they were treated as criminals and herded into concentration camps. In the months and years that followed, more than 20,000 managed to make it to the Americas; several thousands were sent to Mauthausen and other German camps
The Institute of America in Santa Fe has an exhibition that provides the details of the first voyage of Christopher Columbus ended with the discovery of America.