Unidad 1

La Alhambra


Daily Life In The Al-Andalus



1.- Read the following texts about Mohammed, prophet of Islam and The expansion of the Islam and answer the questions.

2.- Read the text about the Mosque and complete the picture with the words in the box.

3.- Find out information in internet about the main examples of Islamic art in Spain: Córdoba, Granada (Alhambra and Albaicín) and Sevilla.

4.- Group work: Plan a trip to a place in Spain where you can see the remains of Muslim Spain.

5.- Label the picture with the buildings you can identify. Then write a short description of medieval Muslim cities.

6.- The economy of Al-Andalus: Complete each sentence with the correct word of the vocabulary.

7.- Write five lines explaining what we mean by Al-Andalus.

8.- Famous buildings: Work with a partner. Identify these two buildings. Explain why they are famous. Write a short history of each one. Compare your texts with your classmates.

9.- Interpret the map.

-In the 12th century, the Iberian Peninsula was...

-During the next two hundred years, the Christian territory...

-By the 14th century, the Muslim territory...

10. Listening about the economy and society of Al-Andalus and answer the questions. Tick true or false and correct the false


Buscar leyendas , poemas , escritos literarios referidos a los siguientes lugares de la Alhambra:

  • Etimología de la Alhambra
  • Puerta de la Justicia
  • Torre de las Infantas
  • El Jardín de Lindaraja
  • Sala de los Abencerrajes
  • Etimología del Generalife
  • Leyenda del " Ciprés de la Sultana "

Fernández & Domínguez, P° de la Castellana 79, Madrid, 28046, (+34) 947 002 963
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