Unidad 4
New Around The World
Textos explicativos y de lectura.
. Hojas de trabajo con información y actividades
. Mapas de consulta y mapas para completar.
. Videos, audiciones y páginas web relacionados con el tema.
. Imágenes representativas de la población en diferentes zonas.
Imagine you are a musical instrument. Prepare some information about yourself from the links below. Then, introduce yourself to the class.
Role play activity: Individual.
1.-Students will play the role of reporters and will broadcast a recent event , disaster or emergengy situation happened recently in the world ;
They will search for the news in the internet or take an article from a newspaper and they will adapt it to their presentation in front of the classroom.
They will also have to present it written and accompanied it with some photos of pictures of the event.
2- In pairs:
Students will choose a famous person from any field : Science, sport , medicine, arts , music, cinema , fashion; Then they will prepare between them an interview to the famous person;
One of them will be the interviewer and the other the famous person.
Contents : Grammar : Present tenses, past tenses, present perfect, futures.
Linkers to join the sentences: and, but, so , because.
Time expressions: already, just , since , for, then , later , finally .
Vocabulary: Risky sports, Nature, natural disasters, Cinema, Countries,
Animals, Music .
Partiendo de varias noticias elaborar un reportaje
- La actividad se hará en grupo de cuatro
- Cada grupo tomará un tema específico. Buscará noticias relacionadas.
- Buscará información adicional relativa al tema
- Deberá aportar una breve entrevista
- Elaborar el reportaje con toda la información obtenida
- Por último incorporará imágenes que ilustren el trabajo